Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Winter

Just when you think glorious spring is here, winter returns with its cold chilly wind and frost. It was a cold cold day yesterday with gusty winds and rain.
All the trees took a heavy beating - those in front, at the back and at the side. The weeping willows in front were living up to their name.
Saw the side tree dancing for the first time and was afraid the sail will rip off part of the roof. Then noticed a hole in the sail caused by a protruding cut branch. Ha! Ha! Success emergency services had it sawn off immediately.
The neighbour's hedges were practically swaying to breaking point. Luckily there was no blackout although we are all prepared - one battery operated lamp, two torches and a superduper high power torch. And of course an array of candles.  But there was trouble on the roadside.
Well remember the earlier post Not Much! Well not only is the cost not much for the mulch but there is not much mulch either. Kaledoscop3 says the mulch is to be tipped 5 cm up. And the two bags were not enough.
See very nice and warm for the flowering orange tree. So the indianboyfriend went back to buy five more packs and the Sat papers. Alamak. He left the papers on the trolley at the shopping centre. Undeterred. he went back as the papers here cost $2.30 each. And lo and behold, the papers were still there!
If the weather holds, it's citrus fruit tree shopping day today. Kaledoscop3 would like a lemon, Sarge Wen likes Fruit of Sharon and for the indianboyfriend it must be apples!

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