Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Being Ah Pek

How do you know when you are Ah Pek already? Well, when you start feeling tired after spending a day out. Last last night - was out the whole day and had a dinner treat from Hock Lye. Alamak - got home the eyes cannot open already. Being Ah Pek also means you cannot do several errands in town on one day. Do one one day and come home and take an afternoon nap.
Hock Lye brought us to the Grand Shanghai Restuarant in King's Centre. The food was distinctively good - they have the best xiao long bao in town.
Alamak.. eat until mybakuteh could not finish the last course of fried rice. ( Another sign of being Ah Pek or Ah Hmm.. cannot eat alot). It was a good time of get together with old friends... or meaning old friends getting together to gossip about other old friends.
ICloud got cloud! Wipe out my Calendar data - the greatest horror to face when you open your ipad. Even Guru Sarge Wen could not help. Finally called up Apple and they really have a first calls technical help desk. This is how it goes. When the ipad was upgraded to Os6, the ignorant indianboyfriend turn on the mail syn switch. What happens, the girl explain, was the blank data in ICloud over rode the data in ICloud. No way to retrieve even when I go to Itunes in the PC to restore back up. So thought about it all day in school.. very bad student... and had a great idea. Switch off ICloud and they asked if you want to wipe out the data IClous used to wipe out the ipad data. Yes! Then this morning.. Hallelujah.. some of the data appeared. So the moral of the story is - don't be too khiang! This weekend will be spent inputing the rest of the data! Funny thing though - went to yahoo calendar and all the data was there! But alamak, cannot export or refresh until some one tells me how. Hmm got to be naughty student again today and google in class.
How the old feeling of waiting of weekend is here again!

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