Sunday, September 30, 2012

Zhong Chiu Jie

Alamak! How to eat these piglets that Uncle Hin Weng bought. The big ones have egg yolk inside and the small ones have lotus paste. Wonder what is inside the fencing. Well despite his offers last night no one had the heart to cut and eat the work of art!
Lanterns were up and Joab was the first to carry the Dina saur paper lantern. This year, the lanterns ones have their battery light source! Solves the lighting and fire hazard problem.
You can see Nikki carry the battery operated lanterns. While children play, the adults kept on munching.
Dear Mummy display her receent medication, keep hard at work producing the folded ballons for the children to play. See the pair of legs? Well, the body that belongs to it suddenly came to live when the Chelsea and Arsenal match came on!
On the way back, we saw a convoy of ngai teng lan. Then at every community centre we passed there were hundreds of parents and children turning up for the lantern carry. While we lost our way taking bus there, Yin Ping and Boon was very kind to send us right to our door steps. Seem Gayle was doing the backseat driving on her baby seat!
Family gatherings are wonderful occasion especially when everyone turns up. The new bride came with the hubby despite having to catch the 2 am flight on the same night!

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