Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Storm over Perth

It was a nsasty storm last with the chilly winds and rain. Luckily there was no hailstone as predicted. No damage as we took down the potted plants from the table. The only damage was the cap of the garden light blown away.

Ha!Ha! The worst casualty was the brand new overturned GE umbrella.
This is what's left of it. Perhaps it can be used as a parang handle cover.
But the migrated white Lily has adapted to the garden and is now upright and blooming! Look at how much it costs at Canning Markets.
Success garden should start potting them from the fields and selling them at half price!
And some good buys at Canning Markets. Thai Coconuts at $1.50 each or $15 a box!
Best nostalgic find for mybakuteh. The old fashing corning ware pot with handle. Excellent for instant noodles - no second bowls needed!
And some cute bips...
Hmm.. talking about sleeping, Sarge Wen had a frightening experience at a restauraant yesterday. A lady customer suddenlu shouted, "My husband cannot wake up." Seems he fell a sleep while eating. Sarge Wen despite his military prowess tried to shake him but the remain motionless - thought he was dead. He dial the amabulance and the paramedic advised him to lift him  up which he did. Suddenly the old man shook free and muttered. "What happened. what happened". The ambulance was cancelled and until now we do not know he was pulling a fast one on his wife!
The moral of the story - do not eat if you are sleepy.


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