Monday, April 30, 2012

Coronation of Princess Hannah

Ha!Ha! Princess Hannah was crowned on her throne on Sunday. But there was one setback. She could not Keow Ka on the too big chair. Hmmm time to do some modification but then it may be cheaper to replace. Ha!
Success Play School is back on track for its scheduled opening. This decision was made after finding that dear Hannah likes the initial batch of educational toys the school has purchased... especially the laptop!!!
            Meanwhile, it was family lunch on Sunday. We has the pleasure of Ah Kim to join but Xian is on night shift and Dr Justin on Day shift!
Here is the food without the apple, and  where are the people...
There is the food and still no apple, open the door and here are the people.
Hmm.. yummy fried chicken... and here is the Master Chef...
Thanks also to his capable assistant Angela Ham.. cannot use the Korean BBQ without her around..
And the crispy Kunin fish from Emma's.. ha!Ha! while we were downing the fish, dear Hannah is also Kooning..
And the unbelieveable giant prawn crackers... keroopok!!!!
And the desert for the day... banana fritters or goreng pisang. And here is the how to cook like Sarge Wen.
First cut up the bananas if your deep fry pan is small. In Singapore the whole banana goes in.

Then the laborious task of frying it. Look at how excited Sarge Wen is.
And if the pic is not clear here is the video.
oPPS.. it is keroopok frying and the music is to kill the monotony!
But this demonstration video is overtaken by this one on how to crawl like Hannah... or how to crawl like MaMa!!!! Hear the the Lioness roar in Success!
Ha!Ha! Gave some wrong information to Sarge Wen this morning. West Australian Day is on 1 June, not May and the holiday is Mon 4 June!!!
Today is Monday and it will be a great week!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Desert Storm II

Ha!Ha! It's the grand desert tour for Kaledoscop3.. Got also nice desert lunch and performance.
How to go to the desert without touching the sand. Wonder if the sumptious desert lunch had desert. Well think it depends if you have made a date... dates.. hee hee.
This is what we bought at Southlands... mushrooms.
TThis is what we ate for brekky this morning.
And on Saturday we went to Sundays .. ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai... And it was like going to eat Kolo mee... cannot move after one serve. So we got smart and shared the karage and then ordered the toufu and the egg plant. Just nice when we spilt it up!
Today is the Nasi Lemak Lunch. Afraid Lins and Dr Justin cannot make it. Xian is doing night shift and we do not want her to eat the fish with her eyes closed!
Meanwhile, wiping dear Hannah's baby chair a second time.
The winter rains are here now and it was pouring last night after church. People here prefer to walk in the rain than carry brollies. The water tank is now overflowing and we had to switched to manual system for the toilet!
Hmm.. the rain water is too cold to bathe with. Well, at least the water bill will fall, hopefully.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Third Heavens

Imagine Kaledoscop3 having a shock when she woke up yesterday morning and looked out of the window! Was she in heaven? She pinched herself and knew she wasn't - flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of God! Hmm actually it was a monster fog that enveloped the city! It was like looking out of an airplance window except this window is enormous! Anyway the god cleared and life went on as normal. It was Dubai Chef on TV again with tunas now on the plate!
Ride a cock horse to banbury plain to see a lady with toes on her ring.
Talking about toes, hmmm time to take a little tasting!
And what are you looking at! Never see baby suck her toes before, is that?
Back in Perth, the TV has lately been reporting of home invasion. The recent one was of a 25 year old who was sexually assaulted when she was tricked into opening the door from someone who pretended a neighbour needs help. Also there two carjackings at the shopping centres in late afternoon. The rule is never, never open the door to strangers. And the second rule ... well.. blush.. never go shopping..if you have to ta bas!
Tomorrow is the Nasi Lemak luncheon . Sarge Wen is very ambitious and wants to fry goreng pisang! Ha!Ha! At $2.99 per kg, they would come to $2 per banana!
If you are not in the Third Heavens, the next choice is to go to church today!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hannah Bunny

Ha!Ha! A rare shot of dear Hannah the Rabbit holding on to an organic carrot. Wonder if Tabitha Twichwich is watching!
One of the great frustrations in life - can play with TV controller but cannot watch TV!
Bonding with MaMa... there is very little Hannah needs to do to please the Grandparents!
And bonding with Ah Chek. Hmm wonder what kind of jell Ah Chek got on his hair!
Met Louise and her 5 month baby Noelle... She is amount double the weight of dear Hannah and just as smiley!
Today is Friday and Weekend is here! Be ready for the Sunday Nasi Lemak lunch in at Success!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The garden is like a treasure island. Suddenly you spot a new plant. Like this beautiful cactus hidden by the shrubs. Mybakuteh didn't see it until the indianboyfriend pointed it out to her!
Meanwhile more hedge cutting. Looks like it will be complete with one final cut. And then you can see the skyline over the backyard at last!
Here is a treat on dear Hannah eating her rice cake!
Today is Hannah visiting day again.
And this Sunday is Nasi Lemak Day! Dear Hannah will be having a seat by the table for sure with her newly acquired baby chair!
Back in Singapore, a 3 room flat in Bishan is priced at $2m for the upcoming Habit Condo... Hmm..How can a working family afford man!
And People's magazine have named Boyance as the most beautiful woman in the world. Wrong! The most beautiful actress in the world if they want to do so. There are so many more beautiful girls in this world who are not superstars.. hmm. one of them is Hannah...
Time is running past fast and next week we will back to Singapore,, not back home necessarily as Perth has now become like a home to us now.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hannah in the Morning

Ha!Ha! Got face time at 7.30 am on Anzac Day but cannot be leh... Dubai time is 3.30 am... Then it came through.. Langley Park! Dear Chubbers is up and awake and looking at us while having brekky! The difference is when facetiming in Dubai Kaledoscop3 is eating or cooking  Dinner and talking to us! It's a holiday for all except Hannah who is going to school!
The Heartache aftermath of Korean BBQ! Well if you have willing hands, the work is not all that bad! Sarge Wen found out the cause of the smoking during the cooking and detected a hole in the holding plate. What to do? Hmm this is where the Vic Park Handy Man appears again.
Ta!Ta!Dum!  A soldering kit to patch up the hole. Funny thing at Bunnings is that a soldering gun costs $13 but the solder costs $20!!! So search more careful and found this affordable kit which has also the solder provided.
Well no more spluttering the next time!
The Vic Park handy man is now multitasking to be a gardener too.
Look at his tranplanted chilly plant. It is growing well and soon there will be cut chillies on the table!
Today is ANZAC day - a day to remember the brave and selfless Aussies who fought for world peace. The heart wrenching thing is that most of these soldiers were young boys who did not live to be grown ups.
We must not take peace for granted and constantly thank God for the peace and security that we enjoy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Throne for the Princess

Hmm.... the Success Conglomerate is diversifying its business from Playschool to Success Babysitting. Now it is moving into Success Family Meals. To prepare for it, they have acquired a baby chair for dear Hannah... Hmm a throne for the princess!!!
And dear Hannah's crawl skills is improving by leaps and bounds.
Note the crawl ended with a shriek of victory - Yes! I did it!
The many faces of dear Hannah at meal time.
A side glance to the room scenery!
And appreciation for the tasty meal.
Finally a pensive look. Have I eaten too much?
Well today is pre Anzac Day. Back in Singapore the garmen is now turning on the lights in the train tunnel day and night instead of after train running hours now.. Ha!Ha! anticipating more train breakdowns. The latest is that the virus is spreading.. recently the LRT also follow suit and broke down.
Garmn say that Circle line breakdown is due to teething problems and North-East Line is due to boh gay problems?

Monday, April 23, 2012

BBQ Set passes 2nd Test

Hmm.. the Korean BBQ passed the 2nd test yesterday afternoon. The only flaw was one of the plates which has intermittenn flames and pops now and again. Super Sleuth Sarge Wen traced the root of the problem to some holes in the base plate that caused the water to drip out. Hmm time to call for the Vic Park Handyman to solder the gaps~
The meal was specially for Angela's parents who are leaving Perth next week to return to Korea. Mybakuteh witnessed Korean drama coming to life as Mrs Ham took whole green chillies and bit them off as she ate - like in the drama series!
Here is a live video clip to hear the sizzle...
And close up of the food..

Soon it was desserts...

And the guests of honour brought a wonderful cake for desert which proved too much for all to eat.
It was also Hannah visiting Success Day. Poor girl has to settle to sitting on the floor when everyone is on a chair. Hint.. time to go to IKEA to get a baby chair!
Dear Hannah did not take to all the Fisher Price toys from Success Playschool. She is happy with tupperware containers. Hmm.. need to rethink on the playthings now!
While everyone is tucking in the pork belly, dear Hannah is having her private feast of apple crush!
Then it is family bonding time. First with MaMa whom she clings to most of the time.
Then with Ah Chek who became her horsee round the backyard.
Then with Angela who found her quite strong in her movements.
And of course parental bonding!
Meanwhile, a second trip to CanningVale Sunday Market paid off. Found at last, a genuine fragrant Pandan plant.
But it is not cheap. For cheapies, the Indianboyfriend settled for chilly plants.. $1 each.
Ha!Ha! This week is a short week... ANZAC day is on Wednesday!
Have a great week ahead!