Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Success Play School

Things are shaping up for Success Play School as the Principal ordered the educational toys for the student ( Note singular as this school maximum enrolment is one).
First laptop for the student. School aim is to make child tech savy. May upgrade to tablet later.
Then the learning toolbox for physio-muscular development. Comes complete with re-inforcing blinking lights.
Then the self propelled choo choo train complete with fitting blocks for recreational and creative development. According to famous French child psychologist D' Pliane Lan, to train a child effectively, you need of course to use a train.
And for physical education, there is walker. The walker also doubles up as a tactile learning tool when not in use.
Remember, Success Play school is the only one in Perth with a teacher-student ratio of 2:1 and this is increased to 3:1 when relief teacher Sarge Wen is around!
By the way the principal is  a handyman and gardener before the term begins.
His newly acquired electric saw did wonders. Szzz Szz and all the hedge branches fell. But alamat, buy saw but also assemble so had to do it very carefully in  case the chain spins off and hit the to-be principal. Cannot open a term and the principal goes on leave, reducing the ratio to 1:1.
Looks like to complete the hedge will take several weeks - not because of the cutting but the disposal of the leaves!
Ta!Ta! Look at the progress.
Soon the hedge will be lower than the fence! Then it will be the weeping willow outside!
Back in Singapore, Redifusion will closed down for good end April. The magic box has been around for 65 years. The indianboyfriend also remember the bill collector who comes and get $5 and issues a blue square thick receipt!
Today is Tuesday. It's back to work for all after a long weekend.
Enjoy the day.

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