Friday, April 13, 2012

Ah Chek Visits Hannah

Sarge Wen visited dear Hannah yesterday afternoon and tried to make a good communication session.
Playing Peek-a-Boo with Hannah. We brave the possibility of contracting
the gastro virus dear Hannah is now suffering from!
And dear Hannah as ever, putting up a happy face despite her illness.
Her attention span has not diminished!
And playing alone!
And look what naughty Sarge Wen did. Crown the princess with a toy cardboard box!
Mummy and Hannah even saw us off at the door!
And while we were there dear Hannah's organic food delivery came!
No chemicals, only wriggly worms!
As for the morning, it was spent at IKEA. We had to jettison the sofa bed as it could not fit into the car. We may a second attempt. The cost of delivery is half the price of the bed!!! Ni shuo qi quai bu qi quai!
Today is Friday and it is a holiday in Dubai!
And Sarge Wen is also taking the day off!
Enjoy the weekend.

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