Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hannah in the Morning

Ha!Ha! Got face time at 7.30 am on Anzac Day but cannot be leh... Dubai time is 3.30 am... Then it came through.. Langley Park! Dear Chubbers is up and awake and looking at us while having brekky! The difference is when facetiming in Dubai Kaledoscop3 is eating or cooking  Dinner and talking to us! It's a holiday for all except Hannah who is going to school!
The Heartache aftermath of Korean BBQ! Well if you have willing hands, the work is not all that bad! Sarge Wen found out the cause of the smoking during the cooking and detected a hole in the holding plate. What to do? Hmm this is where the Vic Park Handy Man appears again.
Ta!Ta!Dum!  A soldering kit to patch up the hole. Funny thing at Bunnings is that a soldering gun costs $13 but the solder costs $20!!! So search more careful and found this affordable kit which has also the solder provided.
Well no more spluttering the next time!
The Vic Park handy man is now multitasking to be a gardener too.
Look at his tranplanted chilly plant. It is growing well and soon there will be cut chillies on the table!
Today is ANZAC day - a day to remember the brave and selfless Aussies who fought for world peace. The heart wrenching thing is that most of these soldiers were young boys who did not live to be grown ups.
We must not take peace for granted and constantly thank God for the peace and security that we enjoy!

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