Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wallop Scallop!

Auta again. It's another outage last night after we came back from the nice dinner at Xian's place. Lucky this time we got all thre candles and battery lights in place. But no TV, no wireless so just study the flames.
The dish of the night was the scallop on shell. Hmm.. with the gravy, it was mouth watery. And plenty for seconds.
Everyone was tucking in. On one side is the steamboat and on the other is the BBQ. The marinated beef was wonderful!
The hostess on the steamboat side with the fishball that explodes in your mouth!
Then it was Xian's black forrest cake and heaps of fruits! A little on the dry side but tastes magnificient.

And it was skype time with Singapore after the meal. We saw Eton and Joab in action eating their cake and displaying their drawings. Towards the end, Henry popped his head nearing to the screen and whispered, " There are two ladies I do  not recognise at the dinner". Of course he was told who they were but there was a comment from the table... only can see girls as there was the new Uncle there too!
And the cats had their feast too!
And guess who reigned supreme at the end of the evening!


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