Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Put Kaledoscop3 gift mirror into good use. Placed at the door entrance for guests to touch up their hair before entering and when leaving!
But alamat! Went to Xian's house for the lovely dinner and saw this!
Exactly look alike table top! And the resourceful Xian got it at half the price
at gumtree. Hmmm need to gumtree a little more!
And yesterday Hannah visited Success! It was the highlight of the day of course. She was a little reserve due to the unfamiliarity of the surroundings but soon became the darling of the house.
In a pensive mood... Where am I?
Opening up after playing with tupperware containers!
No need for fanciful toys to keep her occupied!
Another pensive look.. You don't think I know these are just plastic boxes?
And here is a video clip treat taken at Langford. Dear Hannah has really grown and no longer need a step on her baby seat. This has turned to be a walker as she can push it around the house! Guess she will soon need one with wheels!
Today is Thursday and the Long Easter weekend is here.
Back in Singapore only Friday is a holiday and in Dubai it is normal calendar days.  News today says that COE prices for 1600 cars have shot up to $84,000!

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