Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two down one 3 more to go!

Ha!Ha! We finished the Lindt yellow rabbit and it was thick and delicious. Thanks to Sarge Wen and Angela. Last night we tried the orange rabbit but the chocolate was thin and not as nice as the yellow rabbit. Well one more silver rabbit to go and hope it will turn out better.

Meanwhile it is back to the back hedge cutting. We are making good progress. With the electric saw, cutting was easy but disposal was pain-staking. Lucky mybakuteh was swift to pack the remains into nice bags for disposal.
This is only a fraction of what we chopped down. Think we need two more sessions before we can fine trim the hedge. If it is allowed to grow larger, the flowers and leaves will choke the roof gutter for sure!
Alamat. Want to buy the Weekend West Australia last night and was sold out again for the second time. Hmm. got to settle for the Sunday edition and save 10 cents!!!
Hmm read the Brady and Angelina are finally getting married after having three children... hmmm the children can be flower girl and boy... funny world...
The sky is getting darker faster in the evening and the nights more chilly. Winter is approaching and time for the old birds to fly north!
Ha!Ha! Have a great Sunday!

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