Friday, April 20, 2012

Ikea Saga

The last trip to Ikea, we took the sofa bed from the rackings and then return them as we thought it will not fit the car. So we went back and did some measurements and decided to chance it. So off we went yesterday, and Haleluya, it fitted like a glove! That is $70 transportation charge  saved plus this time round they just offered a 20$ discount. Well in life is is all about timing!
And back home the Vic Park Handyman put it up in a jiffy!
Time to update the indianboyfriend's facebook pic and this one looks idea.
Visited Hannah yesterday and she was not so smiley throughout. But when she was about to go to bed , out flashed the sweetest smile! That was enough for us!
Kin posted a video of Hannah eating an apple. Here is one of her eating a rice cake. She would not let go of that cake until it was all imside her mouth!
While at IKEA saw for the first time an orange drink vending machine. The only difference is that you can see real oranges being squashed during your purchase!
Hmm.. wonder if they can make a durian drink machine!
Today is Friday. Have a great weekend!

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