Thursday, April 12, 2012

Honour System

Ha!Ha! This is apple honour system where you put in 50 cts and take an apple. Reminded the indianboyfriend of the last trip to New Zealand where apples and honey were left on a bench outside the farm house with a piggy bank to drop the money in. Even in the motel, there is a bowl to put in money for the food you have eaten. Not like our hotels ( we are improving) and especially the Chian hotels where they send someone to the room on check out to look at the fridge!
Anyway the indianboyfriend dis his boy scout bit yesterday. At Big W, when he went to the self check out counter, he saw a one dollar coin on the dispenser tray and he took it to the cashier. This has nothing to do with the chap who picked money on the casino floor and was later charged for stealing it, believe me. Hmm. Wonder if he would turn it in if it was $100,000! Ha!Ha!
Perth is becoming like a cowboy town. A gang of teenages armed with knives and machetes are rampaging the city breaking into four or five houses in succession. Then a gun man robbed several retail shops in succession. A woman sitting in her patio had something shot at her!!!! Introduce caning and death penalty and it will all stop for sure! Better not say any more or people will think you are too smart or stupid.
Today is Thursdays and it is Hannah visiting day!

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