Sunday, April 22, 2012

Got Nest No Bird

Bought as hanging husk to plant more wan swee but we were inspired by Kaledoscop3 stories of how the cuckoo bird made nest in her house not once but twice. The first time on the garage door mechanism - the nest moves everytime the door opens and then at the tree on the entrance of the house.
So we hung the cage up on the tree hoping one of the many birds will come and make a ready nest. Hmmm nest for free but no takers... maybe should advertise on Gum Tree.
And there is a video worth waiting for. Hannah doing the crawl. Notice when the hands get tired, she has a strategy!
Today is Sunday. Have a slow and easy day! Last night the Preacher spoke on being a good soil so the seed of the Lord can fruit. Those which fell on among thorns were choked because of their love for wealth and pleasure.
Tomorrow we have cancelled Uncle B to visit a more important relation - Grand daughter H! Cannot missed the invitation to the Jamaboree ( have I got it right) session!

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