Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Having a Swinging Time!

Ha!Ha! Just fresh from the Seller's Home - the Fisher Price home swing. In a jiffy Kin put it up and away went dear Hannah! No more need to walk to the Park for a lift in Hannah's Life!
And it was a happy and adorable Hannah yesterday afternoon!
Hannah eating happily!
Playing happily by herself!
Getting a lift from MaMa!
I want some more!
My new swing!
One more push!
More happiness!
And her feet can now touch the floor to move it around!
And exercises for Hannah to start crawling!
And the highlight of the day - a good oaty bath!!!
Well that is not all. Dear Hannah is coming to Success today and there will be more happy pictures for sure!
Kaledoscop3 is settled in in Dubai and will be moving into her apartment this weekend. Managed to skype with her last night!
May the Good Lord continue to bless and watch over her!

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