Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Throne for the Princess

Hmm.... the Success Conglomerate is diversifying its business from Playschool to Success Babysitting. Now it is moving into Success Family Meals. To prepare for it, they have acquired a baby chair for dear Hannah... Hmm a throne for the princess!!!
And dear Hannah's crawl skills is improving by leaps and bounds.
Note the crawl ended with a shriek of victory - Yes! I did it!
The many faces of dear Hannah at meal time.
A side glance to the room scenery!
And appreciation for the tasty meal.
Finally a pensive look. Have I eaten too much?
Well today is pre Anzac Day. Back in Singapore the garmen is now turning on the lights in the train tunnel day and night instead of after train running hours now.. Ha!Ha! anticipating more train breakdowns. The latest is that the virus is spreading.. recently the LRT also follow suit and broke down.
Garmn say that Circle line breakdown is due to teething problems and North-East Line is due to boh gay problems?

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