Monday, April 23, 2012

BBQ Set passes 2nd Test

Hmm.. the Korean BBQ passed the 2nd test yesterday afternoon. The only flaw was one of the plates which has intermittenn flames and pops now and again. Super Sleuth Sarge Wen traced the root of the problem to some holes in the base plate that caused the water to drip out. Hmm time to call for the Vic Park Handyman to solder the gaps~
The meal was specially for Angela's parents who are leaving Perth next week to return to Korea. Mybakuteh witnessed Korean drama coming to life as Mrs Ham took whole green chillies and bit them off as she ate - like in the drama series!
Here is a live video clip to hear the sizzle...
And close up of the food..

Soon it was desserts...

And the guests of honour brought a wonderful cake for desert which proved too much for all to eat.
It was also Hannah visiting Success Day. Poor girl has to settle to sitting on the floor when everyone is on a chair. Hint.. time to go to IKEA to get a baby chair!
Dear Hannah did not take to all the Fisher Price toys from Success Playschool. She is happy with tupperware containers. Hmm.. need to rethink on the playthings now!
While everyone is tucking in the pork belly, dear Hannah is having her private feast of apple crush!
Then it is family bonding time. First with MaMa whom she clings to most of the time.
Then with Ah Chek who became her horsee round the backyard.
Then with Angela who found her quite strong in her movements.
And of course parental bonding!
Meanwhile, a second trip to CanningVale Sunday Market paid off. Found at last, a genuine fragrant Pandan plant.
But it is not cheap. For cheapies, the Indianboyfriend settled for chilly plants.. $1 each.
Ha!Ha! This week is a short week... ANZAC day is on Wednesday!
Have a great week ahead!

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