Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Third Heavens

Imagine Kaledoscop3 having a shock when she woke up yesterday morning and looked out of the window! Was she in heaven? She pinched herself and knew she wasn't - flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of God! Hmm actually it was a monster fog that enveloped the city! It was like looking out of an airplance window except this window is enormous! Anyway the god cleared and life went on as normal. It was Dubai Chef on TV again with tunas now on the plate!
Ride a cock horse to banbury plain to see a lady with toes on her ring.
Talking about toes, hmmm time to take a little tasting!
And what are you looking at! Never see baby suck her toes before, is that?
Back in Perth, the TV has lately been reporting of home invasion. The recent one was of a 25 year old who was sexually assaulted when she was tricked into opening the door from someone who pretended a neighbour needs help. Also there two carjackings at the shopping centres in late afternoon. The rule is never, never open the door to strangers. And the second rule ... well.. blush.. never go shopping..if you have to ta bas!
Tomorrow is the Nasi Lemak luncheon . Sarge Wen is very ambitious and wants to fry goreng pisang! Ha!Ha! At $2.99 per kg, they would come to $2 per banana!
If you are not in the Third Heavens, the next choice is to go to church today!

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