Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back Home!

Kaledoscop3 and Lins are finally back yesterday! They hosted a nice dinner despite the jet travel and there were great stories for us. Switzerland was the number one enjoyment and the least was Praque. But the best stories were from the Heston dinner. The after dinner lacquer was 250 pounds if you choose to have a one shot at it!
And it was a small family dinner before Kaledoscop3 pushes off to Dubai again.
While the conversation was wonderful, so was the food!
Hmm if you that the kids are passively taking instructions from mothers than you are wrong. Here is Lucas gossiping to Dear Hannah on what happened at home!!!
Today is Sunday and it will be a slow day for all. Meanwhile, Kalediscop3 is beating the clock to to get organised to leave for Dubai tonight.
May the Lord continue to be with her and protect her!
It's getting colder and last night the warmth of the feet was interrupted when the sock feel off during the night!

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