Friday, August 31, 2012

Consider the Lilies of the Fields

 Ha!Ha! You need sharp eyes to see this. The open land is covered with a field of white lilies. Mybuketeh will wow and ooahs when we drive pass it every time. Hmm lilies of the field.. worth considering.

As it was a fine sunny day yesterday, the indianboyfriend decided to carry  a spade and jog to that spot. Low and below, the great migration began and soon two of the lilies were settled in at Success.
Hmm very useful for garden tour for Success Playschool.
Never taken a pic of Sarge Wen outside Success so this is the first that will join the other two on the wall back home! Look at the fine morning sun!
The Spring rains have come and it will be raining for the whole of next week. Seen it in a good like, this will alleviate the  fourth driest Winter for Perth.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Send your Son to Trade School!

 Over here, the way to earn big bucks is to be tradie! Tried to change the bulb for the floodlight at COMO but it will not just open as it was held by a very tight clip. The lamp was really only - rusted and full of cobwebs so decided to replace it. Went to bunnings and saw all the new models have easy screws in front. Anyway chose a different no brainer model - one that just need to screw the giant bulb on without removing anything. ( Smart eh!). Then the problem is getting an electrician. Called out one and he said he is flat out for 3 weeks! Then another who gave the same quote of $150! The new bulb costs $30, and the labour is 5 times the bulb. (When we change the tap in Singapore, the deceitful plumber charged us $90 for the tap and $35 for the labour - we found the tap could be gotten for $30 for alternative brand). And not only $150 - but have to wait for 1 week!
Another problem is their specialisation. When we recently installed the cooker top, he said we have to get a cabinet maker if it does not fit the kitchen top table. Also when we asked for a quote to build a fence, we need three parties - a landscaper to remove the hedges, a bricklayer to build the fence, and a fence maker to to put in the iron grills! And then must draw plans to get approval from water board and then the council! Very kan kor.
Talking about fence, we inherited two footballs already from the neighbour at the back. So yesterday went jogging and brought the balls to them. They were pretty glad. The Aussie Dad thanked us and the youngest of their three children, a 8 year old boy was there. Don't know if they will trim our hedge from now onwards! Ha!Ha! Just being good neighbours until the ball one day breaks our glass window.
And Hannah is joining in the shark culling debate by visiting the Melbourne Aquarium.
Think she looks at the jaws and giggle, "I got teeth also".
From Drop to Drop Berry. Ha!Ha! The Trainer  Ennoying Milan is now transferring his dog training skills to Hannah. It is now not "drop" but "drop berry". And its seems to be berry good. Go to FB and watched the cute video. The stage is set for Father's Day.
Today is the only Sunny day of the week so mybakuteh has whipped out her laundry bag. And Xian will be glad that her Mum is flying in this Sunday.
This Sunday is big thing in Aussieland. Father's Day and funny thing is over the TV they are recommending garden tools for the Daddy. Good trick to get them to work!
Next Friday is the big Family Dinner which is a combination of Birthday/belated Father's Day celebration. Great news is that Xian, Dr Justin, Kim Neo, Lins will all also be able to attend! And what's the signature dish? After the Melbourne experience it has to be a 1.5 kg lobster noodle. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Tireless Gardener

 Look at the wonderful results of tireless weeding in the cold of Spring. This continuous daily job does make a clear difference to the lawn if you look at the unweeded portion.
Besides  being the tirelss weeder, mybakuteh is also the creative cook. Her koo chai ( chives) are not in the fridge.

They are planted and whenever she needs some, she just go out and cut off a few stems. Just like the wan sui!
And last night we had the sumptious meat platter with the magnificent dip.
Had to get a furniture maker to fix some drawers at COMO so got this chappie from Gum Tree. Yes he will do the small job. When I asked how much he will charge, he hesitated and then said he will call me later, He did call but all he said was he did not have the price yet and will call me tomorrow. Think there is something not right here! Anyway got another one who charges $50 an hour. If he cannot fix the two drawers within 1 hour, then he is a false carpenter!!!
Read in June's FB that she attended 2 wakes recently. The papers reported that the longest living person is an American lady who is 116 years old. She has great3 children which in Hannah's timescale means Hannah's grand children! Anyway she was beaten by a South American in 2010 who was 43 days older but the latter died in 2011. Her secret... sigh... no fast food!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Low sugar, alcohol free Tiramasu

Ha!Ha! Master Chef Sarge Wen has done it again. Low sugar and alcohol free Tiramasu ( actually he forgot to put them in). While it taste good, he vowed to make it again to perfection - our gain!
It's back to Sundays again and this time we were smart to go a little earlier so there was no crowd.  Again it was too much for us to finish!
Then based on Xian's recommendation, we crossed over to the Korean shop to buy the frozen oysters... looks like oluak is coming to Success!
Spring came for Manning too as we toured Xian's garden. The lemon is flowering!
And the sng kam is fruiting to its fullness.
Can't FIGure this tree out. It was all twigs when we saw it one month ago.
Think the figs must have been eaten by now.
And of course the bountiful wan sui spreading everywhere.
Not so good news from Melbourne. Dear Hannah is down with gastro flu for two days and have not been eating since. But the little warrior is still puting on a smile.
Dear Hannah with her new toys.. Hmm maybe she will grow up to play for the Eagles!
The weather this morning is great despite a brief shower! Sarge Wen introduced the I Media Player apps to the indianboyfriend which means now the ipad can play movies in any format! And can project onn TV screen via Apple TV! That why we stuck to Apple! Hmm talking about apple better go and buy the apple tree.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Charm of Melbourne

Melborne has the old city charm as when you do a city walk, you will invariably stumble into some old buildings. And the tram system adds to the air of old traditions. You will never get lost in the city and if you have two strong legs, everywhere is walkable - problem is the winter cold.
This is the old St Paul's church in the southern part of the CBD. The wonderful thing is that they are still functional as places of worship.
Yesterday the indianboyfriend went for a jog and met the good Aussie neighbours next door. As he chatted and told the mother that he was going for a jog, she shouted for her 6 year old daughter who came out in her running shoes. Olivia is the school cross country runner and will accompany me. Wah pressure.... and we did one round and she said laughing, I ran but i only walk. Pai seh.
This morning used the excess water from the shower for the garden. Found another football at the back. Hmm better bring the rugby and football back to them this afternoon on  the indianboyfriend's jogging round. Maybe can find another good neighbour behind.
Talking about football, the Dockers and Eagles of WA have clinched a place in the AFL finals... Very exciting news for Perthians and if you are in footie. Ours is more of anxiety - if the finals is played in Subiaco, we may have no parking lots for church!!!!
Doing our bit for mossie eradication. The water bath support has been flooded with the winter rain water and is collecting dangerously for possible missie breeding. Based on mybakuteh's advice, got a bag of sand from Bunning and filled up the cavity. Hey Presto! No more mossie threat!

Today is a busy day for the COMO real estate agent - a few things to fix in the house as a result of the new tenant's complaints.
And the good news is the weather is improving - did not turn on the heater last night!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Great Migrations

Ha!Ha! Can you see the little ladybug on the orange plant! Well it came from Vic Park together with the lime we harvested. While doing a great job eating the aphids, the problem is that it is alone and may not reproduce. Any Match Maker?
The sun is up  in Perth and unlike Melbourne, another great day.  So are the flowers.
Look at what pruning has done to the plant.
And another one!
The catch of the day parcel arrived with the bric bacs,... One of these is the torch cum lamp to prepare ourselves for a black out.
And there is no black out in Spudshed yesterday. The lowest price for magmum..
Ha!Ha! Went shopping for a cook top yesterday.. the more we search the cheaper it becomes. Finally found a great deal at Kambos. Now we hope the size fits!
Yesterday was church day and also AFL day with the Eagles playing. No place to park. We also headed back home until mybakuteh remembered a spot that Kaledoscop3 used to park. Hmm the preacher was the third in a row who come from a Jewish background.
Finally a humble video clip on the 12 Apostles captured on mybakuteh's mobile - the indianboyfriend's ran out of battery.

And finally the truth ( tooth) is out!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to Sunny Perth

Back to Perth and two hours nearer to Kaledoscop3! And a morning walk in the garden shows that the orange tree is now flowering!!!! Must be due to the ladybug from Vic Park which we put there!

Yesterday, walked to Sarge Wen's recommended GAMI chicken restuarant but it was closed for lunch - only dinner! That is 100 Little Londsdale Road. Melbourne is a place big brother streets. Bourke St, little Bourke St, Collin Str, little Collin Street!
Went to Queen Vic Market and were a little disappointed. Big area but little crowd and all sell the same thing. The most disappointment is that there are no street food stalls except one enclosed food court.
The only thing good about this food court is that it is enclosed and keeps you warm from the cold Melbourne weather.
But there is a doughnut van which we patronise. Mybakuteh says the doughnut were fabulous!
We went for the forest walk too and the trees here are taller than those in Karra Valley in Perth. We also spotted the caniverous snail... mustn't let these get into our letterboxes or they will bit off our fingers when we tuck them in.
Better get more mobile... letting a bird rest on your baldie head is not good. Stay too long and it may just shit.
And that was London bridge disconnected. Funny thing was on the day it fell, two tourists were trapped on the other side. When they reported to the local police they did not come until 3 hours later because they did not believe the report.
And that is the indianboyfriend with mybakuteh braving the cold Melbourne weather.
And the last shopping stop was Crispy Creame... smacked right at the airport. It was a most delightful trip to beautiful Melbourne.  Certainly will make another visit.. maybe in summer!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Eight Apostles

Ha! Ha! The Great Ocean Road trip was more than 12 hours. Left at 7.30 and returned at 9 pm. Saw koala in the wild and fed birds from the hand. It was a fine day until the evening when it poured now and again. We were tested for the cold. The sea sculptures were amazing. Unfortunately the twelve apostles are now eight and London Bridge is now truncated from the mainland. Met several Dutch people on the bus.
Hmm... The arrangement was good - pick us from the hotel and dropped us off!
Tomorrow is last day! It's Victoria Market and Sarge Wen's Gami chicken for lunch!
Time flies when you are in Melbourne.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Long xia noodles in Melbourne

Ha!Ha! The biggest lobster noodles we ate in Melbourne last night. The cousins ( Sue & Joy ) of Ren's good friend Janice took us out to a nice Chinese Restaurant and ordered this 1.5 kg lobby! We could not eat the rest of the dishes!
Yesterday started off with the free city bus shuttle ride. Wonderful commentary on board on the sights of the city. Then went to Federation Square to welcome the Aussie Olympians back. Then it was the free city tram ride. Went to Sarge Wen's recommended yong tau foo laksa at Target Centre in Bourke Street. Verdict: 8 out of 10!
Sharks then we did a fishy thing. Went to the Melbourne Aquarium. Got tramcard Myki 20% discount & further Senior Citizen discount. Got sentosa water world never go also - ni shuo qi Kuai bu qi Kuai. Yesterday Vic market chian chian close.
Tomorrow? It is off to the Great Ocean Road to see the Twelve, err, eleven err, ten apostles!
No shopping is complete without something for dear Hannah - a souvenir soft toy.