Thursday, August 30, 2012

Send your Son to Trade School!

 Over here, the way to earn big bucks is to be tradie! Tried to change the bulb for the floodlight at COMO but it will not just open as it was held by a very tight clip. The lamp was really only - rusted and full of cobwebs so decided to replace it. Went to bunnings and saw all the new models have easy screws in front. Anyway chose a different no brainer model - one that just need to screw the giant bulb on without removing anything. ( Smart eh!). Then the problem is getting an electrician. Called out one and he said he is flat out for 3 weeks! Then another who gave the same quote of $150! The new bulb costs $30, and the labour is 5 times the bulb. (When we change the tap in Singapore, the deceitful plumber charged us $90 for the tap and $35 for the labour - we found the tap could be gotten for $30 for alternative brand). And not only $150 - but have to wait for 1 week!
Another problem is their specialisation. When we recently installed the cooker top, he said we have to get a cabinet maker if it does not fit the kitchen top table. Also when we asked for a quote to build a fence, we need three parties - a landscaper to remove the hedges, a bricklayer to build the fence, and a fence maker to to put in the iron grills! And then must draw plans to get approval from water board and then the council! Very kan kor.
Talking about fence, we inherited two footballs already from the neighbour at the back. So yesterday went jogging and brought the balls to them. They were pretty glad. The Aussie Dad thanked us and the youngest of their three children, a 8 year old boy was there. Don't know if they will trim our hedge from now onwards! Ha!Ha! Just being good neighbours until the ball one day breaks our glass window.
And Hannah is joining in the shark culling debate by visiting the Melbourne Aquarium.
Think she looks at the jaws and giggle, "I got teeth also".
From Drop to Drop Berry. Ha!Ha! The Trainer  Ennoying Milan is now transferring his dog training skills to Hannah. It is now not "drop" but "drop berry". And its seems to be berry good. Go to FB and watched the cute video. The stage is set for Father's Day.
Today is the only Sunny day of the week so mybakuteh has whipped out her laundry bag. And Xian will be glad that her Mum is flying in this Sunday.
This Sunday is big thing in Aussieland. Father's Day and funny thing is over the TV they are recommending garden tools for the Daddy. Good trick to get them to work!
Next Friday is the big Family Dinner which is a combination of Birthday/belated Father's Day celebration. Great news is that Xian, Dr Justin, Kim Neo, Lins will all also be able to attend! And what's the signature dish? After the Melbourne experience it has to be a 1.5 kg lobster noodle. Enjoy!

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