Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Ha! Ha! Can't believe we are now cozily tucked up in a nice hotel in Melbourne. Yesterday, we has a bonus at the airport- Hannah visiting place was the airport! Virgin air provided free movies and also a souvenir ear phone. The video shows also the pilot's view and down view and it was a live landing. But no meals - only free coffee. Getting to hotel was a freeze . Jumped into Skybus ( oops -forget to ask for concession) and it brought us to Southern cross station. From there a complimentary bus shuttle right to the hotel. Lunch? At Chinatown of course which is just below us. Then we ventured to 7-11 to buy our Myki tram card. This time asked for Senior concession- heng ah, heng ah.The tram so funny. Bus stop in the middle of the road. But very high tech. Tells you to the minute when it is arriving. Sarge Wen was right. When you turn right over here, you need to keep to the left side of the road. Ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai! At night saw some fire show along the river. Then had a eat all you can Korean buffet in China town. Returned to hotel and there was wifi and reverse heating! So face time Kaledoscop3 who is now 6 hours behind. And got free 24 in house movies some more.
Hmm... Today is city exploration day- on foot and off to try Sarge Wen's focus 7 piece laksa near Target. And tonight, Kaledoscop3's Dubai friend's cousins want to have dinner with us. Oops ... Did not start the day right. FaceTime Sarge Wen over some house matters and did not get the time difference right. Got him up at 6 am!!! Very pai seh man!

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