Saturday, August 4, 2012

What's brewing in the Kitchen?

Ha!Ha! Coconut jelly! Made the decision to buy two young coconuts at three times the price of Singapore!
Remove the covers and have a peep into the coconut jelly inside!
This you got to see. Mybakuteh making Chin Chow in Perth!
Dear Hannah at meal time waiting for food. Note the bib - Feed me or nobody sleeps!
Hannah saying grace before the meal.. Hmmm got to get those eyes closed.
Mum mum is here at last...
After meal, it's tooth brushing... one little biddy growing incisor!
Back to playing boxy boxy...
And reading the pop up book with her favourite Lion.
Then getting physical... Playing drop but with a twist. She flipped over on her back. So it is back to dog training... down and  roll over!
Oh no! Here comes the road hoon... zooming down the hall and roaring aloud!
And back to dear Daddy's arms before bed time!
Yesterday was a sunny day so mybakuteh took advantage of the window for laundry! This morning it was not so cold... looks like Spring may be breaking! And let us hope it does!

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