Friday, August 17, 2012

All Stars MasterChief Arrives at Success

Ha!Ha! Yesterday afternoon a black car like those in MasterChief arrived at Success.
And inside at the back seat was none other than Missus Hannah Chef!!! Siegi is next to her.
The Staff at Success was streesed and could not cope as the full enrolment arrives. Toys were quickly brought out and of course a pair of socks to shield from the cold floors!
Soon she was climatized to the new environment and was herself again. The one person allowed to sit on the Jarrah wood table!

Feel at home pretty soon.
And a visit to the garden to feel the sun shine. The visit was brief but at at least Success Play School was able to open for an hour.
And night time it was curry night. The non-spicy type that you can slurp up the gravy like fish head curry. And outside the house the poking rose pruning continues. Poking because mybakuteh has been stabbed many times by the thorns!

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