Saturday, August 18, 2012

Three Dogs & a Baby

Ha!Ha! Went to Carousel yesterday and dropped by to see Hannah. No one was in and when we went to the field behind, we saw them all!
And Little Hannah was in the lead - sitting on her little bicycle. Wondered if she used the bell!
Then it was feeding time for Hannah
And a little drink after the meal.
Then it is time to exercise - here is her one hand walk!
Opps.. pants too long and get into the walking way!
And then it was reading time - interactive reading.
Hannah will interact by pointing to the Star each time TwinKle Twinkle Little star is sung.
Music lessons is next with her birthday ukele.
Enough, enough.. time to play toys.
Wait.. one more book to read to me.
Alright,  now I can play my toys.
Hmm.. played all finished already... think it is nappy time soon.
Meanwhile the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh has been very busy trimming the overgrown hedges. Thanks to Kaledoscop3 hedge trimmer, it was a breeze... not actually... cold morning wind.

Hmm.. the hedges are trimmed.. Maybe next time shape it like a Kangaroo!
The surrounding hedge used to be continuous.. now they are broken up with access paths.
Driveway now better trimmed and access to letterbox enlarged. Since then the postman has start delivering the local free community papers.
Today is a quiet Saturday and time for Church too. Hope the weather holds up!

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