Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here comes the SUN!

At last, sunny days are here!
And there is nothing like standing in the sun. In Singapore, if you do this you are a seow kao for sure!
Now we inctroduce you to Hannah's crescendo smile...
Hmm... I got something to eat.
New taste but pretty interesting.
Pretty good actually/
In fact it is great.
Ha!Ha! It's exceptional!!!!
Yesterday was a day of discovery joy. Remember the parable of the lost coin? Hmm the spare key to the indiandianboyfriend's car has been missing for some time. ( And replacement cost is $450!). We searched high and low in vain. Then yesterday on the way to church we found it! It was in Sarge Wen's car. Hmm.. going to church has always been a blessing/
Then we misplaced Kaledoscop3 wedding CD. It was the only one with 246 pics. Then last night on the Lord's Day ( Sunday). the indianboyfriend had a aha! experience and suddenly remembered a location. And Hallelujah! We found it! So it was founder's weekend... which reminds us to eat at Founder's Bah Kut teh when we get back for Boo's wedding.
Today is another suddenly day so more gardening work!

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