Monday, August 20, 2012

Secret Garden

After living the house for almost a year, suddenly discovered yesterday there were more cactus growing among the plants.
There is this small one hiding behind some plants.
Then another buried behind some grass.
And one last one with babies by the side! In his excitement, the indianboyfriend got pricked by one of them.
It was a sunny day yesterday which means the shovels and cutters are up for gardening.
The hedge behind has grown out of control! With the Kaledoscop3 handy hedge trimmer, the job was done within half an hour.
Ta!Ta! The big job now is the weeping willow in the front of the house. Need to borrow Lta Ennoying's tree lober for it. And have to wait until it is green verge removal in November!
Well tomorrow is Melbourne day! Great Ocean Road, here we come!

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