Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Spring comes early at COMO

Went to Kaledoscop3 house yesterday and everything is blooming in anticipation of Spring. Look at tthe bountiful blooms.
And the Alvaredo plants are flowing like crazy.
Even the overpruned palm is sprouting with side baby plants
And the more you prune, the harder they grow.
The winter rains have stopped momentarily and we understand why now westerners sun bathe every opportunity!

Hmmm.. today is Hannah visiting day! And next week it is off to Melborne for a spin with the compliments of Kaldeoscop3! At last  can visit Uncle B's elder brother, Uncle C. Hope Uncle C is as kind as Uncle B ( at times that is!) Sarge Wen say must try the laksa yong tau foo next to Coles!!!
And what so special about visiting Hannah next week? It will be in Melbourne as Lta Ennoying and Kin are heading that way too! Hope the weather will not be so severe as Perth already cannot tahan!

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