Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Tireless Gardener

 Look at the wonderful results of tireless weeding in the cold of Spring. This continuous daily job does make a clear difference to the lawn if you look at the unweeded portion.
Besides  being the tirelss weeder, mybakuteh is also the creative cook. Her koo chai ( chives) are not in the fridge.

They are planted and whenever she needs some, she just go out and cut off a few stems. Just like the wan sui!
And last night we had the sumptious meat platter with the magnificent dip.
Had to get a furniture maker to fix some drawers at COMO so got this chappie from Gum Tree. Yes he will do the small job. When I asked how much he will charge, he hesitated and then said he will call me later, He did call but all he said was he did not have the price yet and will call me tomorrow. Think there is something not right here! Anyway got another one who charges $50 an hour. If he cannot fix the two drawers within 1 hour, then he is a false carpenter!!!
Read in June's FB that she attended 2 wakes recently. The papers reported that the longest living person is an American lady who is 116 years old. She has great3 children which in Hannah's timescale means Hannah's grand children! Anyway she was beaten by a South American in 2010 who was 43 days older but the latter died in 2011. Her secret... sigh... no fast food!

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