Tuesday, August 7, 2012

MasterChief All Stars live

While everyone us watching Beef Wellington ( anh mo gu bak bao) being made last night, Masterchief All Stars came live at Success. Sarge Wen whipped up a delectable BBQ ribs for a most enjoyable dinner. Added to this was his signature Pasta dish.
Unfortunately, we are unable to load the pics due to a problem with Blogger so you have to wait a little longer to see them. Can post video and note the sizzling ribs.
Sent the car for servicing and the waiting lounge was wonderful - flat screen TV, free flow of coffee and cup cakes. Wondered why service so good. Found out when the bill came - was quoted $220 but with the "others" came to $375. Looks like have to stay away from Uncle B again. Think the indianboyfriend's Mitshibishi ASX has a long unsettled  grudge against old Uncle B - first the tyres and now the servicing!
But not all  things are expensive. Pass by Bunnings for snail pellets as our letters are illegible as they are half eaten. Promotion - only $1 per large box!

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