Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Home from Play School

Dear Hannah fresh from the car back from School. We drove to langford and spotted her in the car in front of us! The one with three dogs and two cats pic behind.
As usual a Happy smiley Baby ready to play with you.
Hannah having desert of cherries. She bites each one in turn and going a full round before repeating it. And is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Hannah first tooth appearing... and it's an  incisor!!! No more toothless pussy!
Ka Kee ol loh - self praise. She would put the shapes into the slots in the ball and when one is done, she will clap and praise herself!
The walking lion. Here she is walking (charging) across the hall and howling ( siam ah, siam ah ) as she goes along!
Went to COMO to tidy up the tenancy termination and look at this bountiful
lemon tree.
Then the expert went to work, pruning it.
And look at the harvest. Some of them were really gigantic! And there is the lime behind to be harvested later.
Then when about to leave, alamat, saw tyre pan chek. Luckily Superman Lins was there and with his strong arms (and Legs), he managed to unscrew the bolts and have the tyres changed. The shops we went too refuse to repair the pan chek tire as they say it has run its life. You don't want to know how much a tyre cost here...if you must know.. about a few weeks of absence from Uncle Bee. When we open the back of the car, the tyre man saw the lemons and asked for some. For a small bag, we got some discounts of the price!
Looks like Kaledoscop3 banana tree has run its life too due to over zealous tenants!
Then we went to Garden by the Bay at Manning - Xian's house. The wan siu were running amock in her trench in an emperor fashion ( wan siu)!
And look at my mee siam hope - the growing lime tree.
And there is what she called the naked figs.
Well, the rains are here for this week and hope it will send some relief for the plants. Meanwhile, gardening has to resume. Need to google to find out how to prune rose plants!

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