Sunday, August 5, 2012

Korean Treat

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen & Angela brought us out for dinner at this new Hwa Ro restaurant ( meaning charcoal) - the BBQ is based on hot charcoal! And it was the automatic revolving type... need to upgrade the one in success.
The steamed pork and its condiments.
The charcoal grill. Guess as usual, Sarge Wen ordered too much food. The Kimchi soup was excellent. And the result?  Two ( four?) happy persons.
Talking about lemons and lime, we managed to return to Vic Park to harvest the good old lime..
Cannot wait for the lime at Xian's house to grow... trying to short cut the process to reach the mee siam objective!
Alamat saw today they do sell lemons in Perth.. and $2.35 per kg too! Guess Kaledoscop3 lemon tree is worth its weight in gold!
And now it seems, every meal at home now is laced with coriander leaves and lime!

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