Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Success Playschool under renovation

Success play school undergoes renovation in preparation for ther Spring semester. Beautify butterflies now adorn the class room with the help of our greeeting card supplier, Xian. Now a closer look.
Note it has pop up wings!
The sun is up again! And looks like Spring is on the way. Check it out in the garden.
Bountiful blooms!
A touch of bold redness!
Dianty blooms
Dotted beauties.
Yellow, yellow,
Good old periwinkles
Pure delight!
Well, Sarge Wen is back from his Singapore whirlwind trip and happily settled into work. Alamat, luckily remember to push the bins out last night. Now very Kia shu. Set alarm on mobile on Monday night and Tuesday morning every time! Think of it, HDB very good, just push it down the shute and for white goods just bring it downstairs after 10 pm!

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