Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ah Feng teo bay peow!

At last another medal for Singapore after 52 years. Also a quarter of a million to Tianwei. What is in a name? Very important if want to win another medal. Tan How Liang won the Silver in 1960 coz he very how lian leh. And Ah Feng? Well she is very obedient - Tia Wei ( ting hua) - that's what she won the match against the Japanese in  25 minutes. So for 2016, the promising aspirant should go and change them to Bey Shu Aer or Tia Tio Ya!
No more Chong Pang or ta mee pok in the morning. It's ah mo chait every morning, prepared by myabuteh. But make some effort, and you will get the Singapore flavours.
We enjoyed the Penang Laksa by chance as we passed by to have the tyres fixed the other day. Despite the new management, it comes with the hay kor although watery form.
It has been rainy very day. We broke the news about what our over zealous tenants did to Kaledoscop3's banana tree and she is griefing now. It was her hope that she will see her first bunch of bananas when she returns.
She has commissioned Success Play School subsidiary Plantes Unlimited to see how to save the plant as they are suckers.
Hmm no rain yet today and it's time for more pruning!

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